We offer top-tier professionalism in representing the most exclusive locations for filming movies, TV shows, commercials, still photography, and hosting special events. We also specialize in renting out unique and beautiful properties for weddings and wedding photography, as well as serving as a real estate broker for high-end properties.
If you're interested in listing and hosting your property for the entertainment industry, special events, or weddings, please submit photographs of your property for our review.
If we choose to represent your property, we will reach out to you with a representation agreement. Additionally, we may have one of our photographers take more photos of your property.
By submitting your online application, you confirm that:
- You are the property owner or have the legal authority to act on behalf of the owner.
- You own or hold the copyright for all the photographs submitted with your application.
- All photographs submitted will remain the property of the photographer or copyright holder, and you grant us the right to use these images without compensation.
- Submitting the application and photographs does not establish a representative relationship unless we explicitly accept your application.
- By submitting your property photographs, you allow us to use them for evaluating your property for representation and to show them to producers, event planners, location scouts, and others to gauge their interest.
- Upon accepting your application and signing a representation agreement, we may use, display, copy, post, publish, exhibit, and/or distribute the photographs for marketing and promotional purposes in any form, including but not limited to, electronic, print, digital, and online publishing.
- Any photographs submitted with the online application will not be returned.